Natural Solutions for Cervical Dysplasia
of women every year have their regular pap smear and it comes back as abnormal.
The majority of the time it resolves
itself and the next pap smear is normal.
However, for some women, it doesn't and the following pap smear is again
Typically this is from HPV infection.
HPV is the human papilloma
virus and is present in about 75% of women. Most women will never have an
active infection or
abnormal pap smear. Unfortunately for some women, it can
lead to cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer.
The typical treatment for an
abnormal pap smear is to test for the presence of HPV, and if present, do a
biopsy to check for
abnormal cells. If necessary, the doctor will do one of 4
surgical procedures to remove the lesion:
- Cryosurgery- freezing the lesion
- LEEP- cutting out the lesion with a
- Conization- removing the entire
inner circle of the cervix
- Knife- cutting off the end of the
These are
all effective about 60-70% of the time and no further issues will arise.
are also natural solutions for treating cervical dysplasia. We believe the body
has the ability to heal itself. When we
simply cut things off the body, it doesn't always deal with the cause of the problem. It doesn't fix the environment that
created the abnormality in the first place. We prefer to treat the HPV on the cervix, as well as treat the whole person, so their
body can heal all the way around.
To treat the cervical dysplasia, we do a series of herbal
treatments directly on the cervix. These help to gently destroy the lesion
without having to cut parts off the cervix. We also do systemic immune support to help the body work from the inside out.
Depending on the severity of the
lesion, we get just as good of results as the surgical procedures without damaging the cervix.
This can mean less complications for those women looking to have children in the future.